Lewicki Custom Guitars


In my workshop I make instruments only by hand, from high-quality materials. I use wood that is thoroughly selected and undergoes long seasoning, which ensures perfect sound properties.

An individual approach to each instrument and exceptional care for details provide it with a unique character, a "soul". Manual construction gives almost unlimited possibilities of creating an instrument which fully caters for a musician's needs. Such parameters as the neck's thickness, width and profile, the fingerboard's radius, access to the highest positions, the body's ergonomics and many more are discussed with the customer, which enables him or her to participate in the process of creating their new instrument.

I aim at making guitars perfected in the slightest details, giving satisfaction and joy while playing. I often take up uncommon, interesting projects.

A good instrument is a result of putting passion, know-how, experience and skills together...

© 2025, Lewicki Custom Guitars